Useful Information


How to prepare an image for digital projection in club competitions and thumbnails to accompany print entries ...more


Here's the links to the videos that Nigel Airey used in his tutorial at the club ...more

TUTORIAL: Cropping, healing and cloning

Harry Emmett takes you through some Photoshop moves ...more

TUTORIAL: Photoshop cut-outs

How to cut out images in Photoshop and use them in another picture, by Oliver Dorée ...more

TUTORIAL - Setting up your digital camera

Following our recent digital workshop at the club, Michael Crocker revisits some of the camera setting and tools to help beginners to photography get the most from their digital camera. ...more

TUTORIAL - Replacing a Sky in Photoshop

Step-by-step help on replacing a sky, by Michael Crocker ...more

TUTORIAL - Setting Photoshop Preferences for Best Results

A few tips on Photoshop settings by Gordon Jenkins APAGB ...more

TUTORIAL - Creating a Digital Pencil Sketch

Exploring a Photoshop technique, with Michael Crocker ...more

Turning off the security warning pop-up

A security popup may present itself when using Windows Explorer - this is an easy way to stop this happening as recommended by ClikPic, the host of our site. ...more